Friday, August 3, 2012

A few more finishes

Charms and White
This Jewel Box was the mystery quilt taught by Joanne at this year's retreat. I decided to piano key the border to incorporate leftover pieces.

The Charms and White was taken from a table runner picture I saw as a way to use those pesky charm packs that look so nice then you don't know what to do with them. I think I'll make a few more .

The Rectangles was a dolly of the month pattern but it morphed into a crib size. Another good scappy one.

The Puzzle was an old leftover Scrapbag kit that I brought home to finish. Not one of my favorites but a finish none the less.

The Puzzle and Rectangles will go to Scrapbags, the Charms to the Linus Project at the Guild and I'm undecided about the Jewel Box.
Jewel Box


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