About a month ago, I went through a big box of my own scraps, pressing, cutting , sorting and organizing. It took days and left me with a stiff neck and shoulder and a vow to cut and sort as I go. Now I have a huge stack of 2 patches waiting to get sewn into 4 patches then into something usable.
Well, that being said, on Wed. I came home fron Scrap Bags with 1 small and 2 medium size boxes of scraps that were donated from a mother of friend of Mary. ( the mother doesn't know) .So yesterday I sorted through those. There are a zillion 1 and 1/2" squares, maybe a postage stamp top was in mind. I gave mine to Joanne but dare not give her these as they might just be the tipping point. There are lots of various size squares, trianges, 1/2 and 1/4 sq triangles, some hand sewn, some Dear Janes, 2 and 4 patches, lots of UFO's and on and on. It was all very well organized. I think some were things she had bought at yard sales as they were packaged and priced.
Looks like a lot of work ahead. It keeps me off the street and out of the bars!
Just think of all the character you will develop turning those bits into something someone can use?